Journalist Visa and Admission of Equipment

Journalist Visa
consular processing subdirectorate

The Journalist Visa is a migratory status granted to foreign correspondents who come to Peru to perform professional services. Foreign press correspondents, journalists and representatives of foreign media are included.


  1. The procedure is done at the Peruvian Consulate abroad, it is personal and must be done at least 15 days before your trip (working days).
  2. Complete the “FORM DGC-005 VISA APPLICATION FORM” duly signed by the Consul or the person in charge of the Office (attached).
  3. Copy of valid passport (minimum validity of 6 months) Regulations to the Migration Law, Article 24°, clause a.
  4. Letter from the foreign agency or production company, justifying the reason for the trip and its duration.
  5. Round trip ticket to/from Peru.
  6. A recent passport size photograph, in color, with white background, without glasses and smooth surface.
  7. If you wish to bring in equipment, you must complete the “FORMAT FOR TEMPORARY INTERNMENT OF MATERIAL FOR PROFESSIONAL USE“.

Citizens of the European Union

By virtue of D.S. N°. 058-2015-RE, nationals of European Union member countries belonging to the Schengen area, which includes Spain, are exempted from the temporary visa requirement in the migratory quality of journalist.

The maximum period of stay is 90 calendar days, either as a continuous visit or several consecutive visits, during a period of six months.


At the time of entering Peruvian territory, ask for a stamp in your passport indicating your migratory status.

If you are going to carry out temporary internment of equipment

At the Peruvian Consulate abroad, you must present the “FORMAT FOR TEMPORARY INTERNMENT OF MATERIAL FOR PROFESSIONAL USE” which will be sent to the sub-directorate of Consular Procedures in Peru which will notify the National Customs Superintendence.


Stephanie Solórzano Valdivia
+511 204-3299 Celular: +51 987 878 459 |

Changes and extension of migratory status in peruvian territory

Contact: Jonathan Solorzano Fuster
+511 204-3672 |

Admission of equipment

For entry of professional equipment
the “Form for Temporary Internment of Professional Equipment and Material” must be submitted.

For entry of Fly-away transmission equipment and drone cameras
a special permit issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru is required, which the journalist must obtain directly from said institution.

For further information, please contact:

Noelia Gloria Lavado Rosales, Director of the Contractual Management Directorate
0051 1615207800 / Annex 6614 |


Juan Salas Carrillo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Office
+51 989 271 109 | +51 990546571 |


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